Who are we?
Our passionate tutors take great pride in helping students succeed by bringing years of experience and knowledge to their work.
We believe in making each lesson as enjoyable as possible which is why we create unique, customised learning plans.
Each of our tutors work hard to equip every student with the practical and emotional skills needed for success.
We understand that learning is a journey, requiring step-by-step guidance to help our students stay aligned with their goals.
In addition to years of experience in educational settings, our tutors continually update their knowledge of the British curriculum with expertise on exam frameworks and SEND support.
At ABC Education we only employ the top 5% of tutors, meaning that you really do receive the very best tuition!
Each of our education experts have achieved an advanced degree combined with years of hands on experience.
100+ Education Experts
Each of our tutors are passionately skilled in their chosen subjects, working closely with pupils to build confidence about themselves and their learning abilities.
With 100s of education experts, we have an excellent selection of gifted tutors from a range of subject backgrounds.
Below you'll find a small selection of our tutors who are ready to support your child at any stage of their learning journey.
Our mission
To provide an enriching learning experience for every student.
For student wellbeing to be at the core of our teachings.
That every student succeeds their goals.
Claire has an eclectic mix of supporting students in a multitude of environments.
Over the past 8 years she has supported students in home learning settings, educational establishments and clinical environments.
What drives Claire's passion in education is her own academic achievements and enthusiasm for learning. She takes great pride in seeing knowledge fit into place, creating those magical lightbulb moments!
Partnered with Claire's Psychology background and experience she is also able to successfully evaluate and understand student's stumbling blocks; adapting learning programmes to achieve the best results.
Specialises in exam success
Innovative learning sessions
Marker for AQA and Edexcel exam boards
Allicia has been a qualified teacher for 7 years and was rated outstanding by OFSTED.
Having trained at Oxford Brookes University and after spending several years teaching in an outstanding Oxford school, Allicia decided to switch paths and spend more time focusing on 1-1 support.
She has taught all years from reception to adult learners in both English and maths as well as supporting families of high net worth such as a Royal Family.
Allicia supports students who attend school as well as home education students, designing personalised curriculums to help them achieve their goals.
Specialises in exam success
Confidence boosting sessions
Skilled SEND experience
Qualified primary and secondary school teacher
I have spent 14 years successfully tutoring hundreds of children on a one to one basis. Through this experience, I have gained the essential skills of understanding the strengths and challenges each child develops.
I take a comprehensive, collaborative approach to learning; refreshing my techniques with the most updated knowledge of the UK primary curriculum.
Specialising in English and Maths
Qualified primary and secondary school teacher
Through my years of experience, I have gained extensive experience working with young people, including those with learning difficulties, mental health issues and severe disabilities.
To help as many students as possible, I have applied my extensive knowledge to tutoring students from the ages of pre-school to university level.
Specialising in Philosophy, Religion, Psychology and English
Qualified primary school teacher
I have been a primary school teacher since 2013 and each day is still as exciting as the first!
During my career so far, I have worked with children across the primary curriculum to offer support from pre-school phonics to 11+ exam preparation.
Experience in SEND, including: ADHD, ADD and hearing impairment
Qualified mathematics teacher
I'm proud to support my students during each step of their learning experience, closely following and developing their skills to help them achieve their aspirational grades.
I believe each student's learning journey is important, which is why I support them at every stage; as demonstrated with my after school maths clubs.
Specialising in grade progression
Qualified English teacher
With over 4 years experience, teaching both GCSE and A-Level students, I continue to help my students excel in both English Literature and Language.
Since University, I have been developing my skills to help students excel. My aim is to help each tutee find a passion for English, creating a learning environment that they enjoy!
I specialise in exam technique, familiarising students with the necessary skills for them to succeed.
Specialising in perfecting your exam techniques.
Certified Geography, History and Religion Tutor
My passion and experience for teaching has allowed me to become the head of a successful Geography department, obtaining the highest recorded grades. My methods have created excellent results, specifically at KS4 and KS5 levels as 100% of students achieved their aspirational grades or surpassed them.
My excellent track record is due to my keen interest in educational frameworks, teaching the most effective assessment objectives and exam techniques within the British curriculum.
Exam Officer for AQA, Edexcel and Cambridge International
Qualified Geography teacher
My passion and experience for teaching has allowed me to become the head of a successful Geography department, obtaining the highest recorded grades. My methods have created excellent results, specifically at KS4 and KS5 levels as 100% of students achieved their aspirational grades or surpassed them.
My excellent track record is due to my keen interest in educational frameworks, teaching the most effective assessment objectives and exam techniques within the British curriculum.
Specialising in building exam confidence
Certified History and Politics Tutor
Specialising in common entrance exams, my lessons are engaging and fun: helping children understand the necessary techniques for passing verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests.
My background in education has allowed me to work one - to - one with various international students, primarily working for three years in Moscow, Russia. During this time I helped students excel in History KS3, KS4 and EFL; adjusting to specific academic needs to create the best learning environment.
Common Entrance exam tutor
Certified Science, Maths and Physics tutor
I am a Mechanical and Electrical engineering graduate from The University of Bath.
To me, success is more than grade improvements, it's about enjoying the learning process behind understanding the scientific methods.
My lessons encourage students to adapt a problem solving, inquisitive mindset they can benefit from for life.
My specialties includes all the key international curricula (focusing on IGCSE), A-level, IB diploma, MYP and entrance exams.
Developing critical and practical thinking
Qualified science teacher
I am currently teaching GCSE science at secondary school level. Working with students to help them succeed at both foundation and higher GCSE level.
I adapt a unique approach with each of my students, providing tools that best fit their style of learning. I understand the difficulties of balancing the variety of subjects required for GCSE, which is why I approach every session with a calm, reassuring manner.
My motto is to take each session as it comes, developing confidence along the way.
Building confidence in the classroom and beyond.
We are incredibly proud to announce that we have won the 2022 award for:
The Best Female - Founded Tuition Company in the UK!
The easiest way to fit tuition into your schedule.
Online learning is the virtual method that our parents are loving.
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Introducing The ABC of Education
The podcast for every parent or carer who wants to be in the know about everything education.
Every episode we delve into teaching, hot educational topics and even inspiring careers. If it’s got something to do with education, we’re probably talking about it.