Our dedicated team of tutors are here to guide your children towards their next academic success.
Our tutors are available for internal tuition, home support and online learning.
We support children anytime, anywhere; creating the best possible academic experience.
Internal Tuition
Online Tuition
At Home Tuition
Quality Tutors
Our passionate tutors take great pride in helping students succeed, bringing years of experience and knowledge to their work. Each of our team members are recruited via a rigorous interview process requiring high quality references.
Each member of our incredible team are:
DBS checked
Reference checked
Rigorously interviewed
With You Every Step of the Way
Our tutors work closely with schools to provide assistance that supports everyone in the classroom: pupils, teachers and parents.
Our support tutors help maintain student's progress by collaborating with teachers to identify gaps in knowledge, assisting with a variety of subjects and learning needs.
Covid Catch-ups
Due to the pandemic and school closures, many children are behind with their learning development.
Our school support tutors provide small group learning, helping students catch up on material at a faster rate!
Help your students develop their learning with our group based catch up support.
Supporting teachers
At ABC Education, we understand the struggles schools face. Under resourced and over-stretched, each teacher is working hard to provide the best education.
However, who says teaching should come with stress? We're here to help provide assistance through teaching aid, small group support and 1:1 mentoring for students who may need a little extra help.
My name is Allicia, co-founder of ABC Education.
At ABC Education, we believe that every child has the potential to succeed, which is only possible if teachers are provided with the necessary support.
Our experienced team have years of experience in educational settings, guiding students along their journey of academic excellence.
If you'd like to find out more about our school support packages, please follow the link below.
We are incredibly proud to announce that we have won the 2022 award for:
The Best Female - Founded Tuition Company in the UK!
The easiest way to fit tuition into your schedule.
Online learning is the virtual method that our parents are loving.
Have you listened to our latest podcast episode?
Available to stream on all major sites.
For any tuition enquiries please complete our 'book a tutor' form.
Once submitted we'll contact you directly.
Introducing The ABC of Education
The podcast for every parent or carer who wants to be in the know about everything education.
Every episode we delve into teaching, hot educational topics and even inspiring careers. If it’s got something to do with education, we’re probably talking about it.